The Pillars of Real-ationships
with Diego De Nicola

Empower, detoxify and transform your relationships –
with your partner, friends, family, colleagues and loved ones.

Watch your free masterclass


Discover the inner workings of relationships. Become aware of blind spots and elevate your communication.


Identify and remove toxic relationships. Create your ideal relationship universe – in business, friendship and partnership.


Learn what you can do to nurture your relationships and take them to the next level with real-life strategies.


What factors make a relationships last or fall apart?
Why does it all seem so unpredictable?​

Diego asking you

We humans are a particular being. We can think abstractly, we communicate in sophisticated manners, and we are pretty much the only species who does not usually adapt to the environment, but rather adapts the environment to our needs. Nevertheless, we are not made to be loners.

Social interaction is a primary need.

Relationships are the very core of our well-being.

Even the most rational, organized and fact-driven person, can get lost entirely in an unfulfilled or toxic relationship. What other people think, say, and do to us, never leaves us unaffected. Relationships are what keeps us up at night, what makes us sad, what makes us lose faith... but they are also what makes us joyful, hopeful, happy and what gives meaning to our lives.

So let's dive deeper, beyond the surface.

And let's figure out how relationships truly work – or why they sometimes just don't. Let's identify where we currently stand and what we can change and improve – if we wish to do so.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together.

FREE Masterclass

70 minutes

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in English

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Watch this Masterclass until the end and get our guide as a gift directly to your inbox. Use this handout to apply what you learned directly to your life and your relationships!


Plus, as a thank you, you will receive a special offer in case you would like to continue your education with us.


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What you will learn in this

  • The Pillar-Principle:

    Identify your relationships and categorize them into one of these 3 types. Then build a solid foundation by strengthening or repairing them as needed.

  • The Oxygen of Relationships:

    This is the one essential ingredient to any lasting relationship – in friendship, business or romance. Learn how to keep the fire burning!

  • The Jar-Metaphor:

    There are several traps we often fall into in relationships. Discover what you need to watch out for and be prepared to avoid common fatal mistakes.

  • The Comparison-Trap:

    This one is about the importance of personal happiness and fulfillment. You can only give what you have. Self-care is essential for meaningful relationships.

  • The Relationship-Solar-System:

    A proven hands-on system to understand your current state of relationships. Learn to identify and remove toxic relationships, improve meaningful ones, and take your entire system to the next level.

Our Promise

This entire class is made up of pure, valuable content; with strategies, answers and real-life anecdotes – no exception.

"Relationships are the root of our well-being, our fulfillment, and success in life as a whole."

– Diego De Nicola –

Diego is captivating, inspiring and full of power! He has tried, experienced, and studied so many things in so many areas, and his achievements speak for themselves. His attitude towards life is just great and his strategies are honest, direct, sometimes hard, but always full of wisdom. His courses gave me great clarity and a strong intrinsic motivation. 

Luca Fratto

Diego is unbelievable! Full of energy and always authentic. He very open and also tells us that he used to be a very different person – shy and introverted. He doesn't pretend and doesn't do something just because he can make a quick buck; you can tell he has genuine intentions. It is impressive how he stayed true to himself and his values and acts accordingly. 

Larissa Meyer

I never met anyone with such determination. Diego's power and energy are truly impressive and I really admire his incredible versatility. Thanks to his strategies, you can really feel that success is much closer than what you ever thought. Personally, I achieved goals that I could have never achieved without his support and insight.

Michele Casanova

Hello, my name is Diego ...

Diego asking you

... I'm a High-Performance Philosopher and founder of AthleticSocrates.

Diego De Nicola is a philosopher, entrepreneur, coach and speaker. He speaks seven languages and studied Economics and Philosophy at Stanford and Arizona State University.


Besides reading, translating and expansively studying Philosophy for nearly two decades, he devoted extensive research to human psychology, peak performance, mental training and the human mind (including numerous self-experiments). His clients include CEOs and Entrepreneurs, Startups and Fortune500 companies, professional athletes as well as people from all walks of life.


Diego is also a dedicated family man and a father of three, as well as a driven endurance athlete, racing ironman triathlons.

My life as a high-performance philosopher

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